A new chapter is starting – now in Singapore.
One year back we had no idea how things would turn out, and one year from now we have no idea, of what has turned our life up or down. Only God knows the plan.
We trust and have faith, and on that I can say that has really changed since one year ago – to trust and have faith in God and His love in my own and others life – nomatter what happens as all happens for a reason of experiencing and learning.
My Ellyssee and I started our journey in life in 2012 – expanded by our meeting in 2013 – married in 2014 and now we move on in our divine journey of love after an amazing couple of years in Banjar.
I had not expected to work for business more in my life, however circumstances and opportunities shows us ways to combine our dreams to share our heart and talents with all and help the needy around us simultaniesly – and that in a way much more fulfilling than ever before.
Sharing Gods Love.
The HOW still have to fully show up, but we recognize the signs from around us, the peace in our soul, and Gods love for us and all our family in Europe and Indonesia.
We are truly blessed.
I AM gratefull – I AM Love – I AM
Live in love <3
Live in love
Jan B Frederiksen