From Jesus

Jesus >
Light bearers, Light holders and Way showers >

Be calm and persistant. <3

Encouragement is needed because trust has been betrayed so frequently in the past, and so all you Light bearers, Light holders, and wayshowers continue to be a most essential part of the awakening process. When arms are laid down the opposing sides attempt to lay blame on each other, and as has been so clearly demonstrated over the eons of human existence, blaming only encourages a resumption of hostilities.

Your task therefore remains – Hold your Light on High – refrain from judgment and from taking sides, even silently within the privacy of your own individual minds, and open up in trust and love to assist those hurt and damaged ones to come together without preconceptions about the outcome, so that divine Grace can flow easily between them to help them resolve their issues. Infinite assistance is available, if you will allow and encourage it to flow easily and sweetly between all the parties to conflict all over the world.

There are none among you who do not want peace. However, the fear that has been engendered by eons of betrayal requires an enormous amount of loving patience to be soothed and dissolved, and that is your task. Just by sitting quietly at home, praying and meditating silently for world peace will bring it about. The power of your loving intentions is astronomical, do not allow yourselves to underestimate that power. The fact that you can not feel it flowing through you must not discourage you. You incarnated to do this, now is your moment, and know that failure is unimaginable, inconceivable, and out of the question. The power of the Divine, God, your Source is empowering you limitlessly in every moment. Success is yours, divinely guaranteed and assured, so keep on keeping on with your loving prayers, intentions and meditations, and prepare to reap the rewards of your shatterproof persistence.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen

Skype Janbfrederiksen