Longing home š
I have probably always known
That I didnt belong here
Always asking Why?
Difficult to have friends
Difficult with bosses
Always on the move
Searcing a lot outside
In others to fullfil me
Wifes, children, colleages, jobs
Never found the true way
Until God called me
To remind me of who I am
Why did I come here?
What should I do here?
Who do I need to be with?
To serve in Gods image of love
To share unconditional love
With everyone and noone
And still I am just longing
Longing Home to God
From where I come
Soon is my way showing
Soon I have done my duty
Soon I will meet Him again
Oh Thank you !
Live in love <3
Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen
Skype Janbfrederiksen