The Path to One

Dear Refugee,

Dear Refugee,

One thing is to leave your Motherland voluntarily as I have, but to do it as a refugee hunted and punished on mind, body and soul – only a few of us can imagine. In this only experience counts.

During the last months I have followed the news in Europe about the syrian refugees, and my heart has cried and felt deeply with the people as they travelled through Europe to get closer to where some family lives in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Uk etc. – experiencing all the trouble and death on the way as they moved closer and closer to their destination. What a power we humans are when it comes to our life, what a bravery.

When leaving your homeland as refugee – faith and hope must be you fellow traveller – and actually nothing else matters than to get to your destination, crossing rules, borders and even accept the people that spit on you and cheer for you as you cross their country, like you are a hero or a shit in their eyes.

You didnt ask for this, you just have to follow through. In that situation is an accepting and helping heart from another the biggest thing to meet, a blessing and a power for your continued journey, from whereever it comes.
A man on the street, a nurse in the hospital you visit because of your wounds from fences you crossed. A volounteer giving your child care for dehydration, or a policeman that try to apply to all rules written but that has to accept you fully from his heart, human to human.
On this journey you might know what is awaiting you or not, and for some of you that might not reach the expected destination – dont give up, dont think there is only one place for you on mother earth – but continue to follow your heart to another place with heart.

God bless you all on your journey from my deepest heart.

Live in love dear human being. <3

Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen

Skype Janbfrederiksen