Note to GOD <3
Serving GOD’s LOVE is my path
I am touched deeply to know, Why I am here
I feel its an honour, a privilege and a pleasure to serve GOD’S love in this way
In every letter, words, sentences and in my reflections YOU are
In my brothers and sisters readings, likes, comments and sharings YOU are – and I feel it all the way
I feel how YOUR love gushes out to All that opens to YOU
Never before have I felt so humbled
Never before have I felt so useful
Never before have I felt YOUR Love so deep
Never before have I felt so close to YOU
YOU touch my soul by YOUR presence in me, bringing me to my knees in awe and grace
I am grateful beyond words, thank YOU GOD, My wife Ellyssee, Brothers and Sisters <3
Live in love <3
Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen
Skype Janbfrederiksen