ONE with GOD

ONE with GOD <3

One God. Worship and surrender to Him and His unlimited Love. One Love. Share it with all.
One Universe. Respect the universal laws.
One Journey. Follow it diligently Home to Him.
One Existence. Be gratefull in all lives for all learnings.
One Essence. Charish it in every moment.
One Grid. Be responsible in all you do as it effects us all. One Belief. I AM a spiritual being having a human life experience.
One Job. Serve Him, Your Self, all humanity and Our Earth as part of the bigger universal whole. One Energy. Unlimited and in full abundance.
One You. Immortal through lives to experience the physical sphere before returning Home. One Home. You come from Him and return to Him.
ONE with GOD. The source from where everything comes and goes.

Be One with God, Your Self first.
Then Be One with all

Live in love <3

Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen

Skype Janbfrederiksen