Thank you God,

Thank you God,

As we see our world changing around us, cleaning the shit out from our closets, as well as our hidden subconscious, trying to make sense of all the evil, that we are exposed to from the universe outside and inside,

I am happy that you let us all understand that positive or negative has nothing to do with construction or destruction, but actually we need to unlearn and relearn and rebirth ourselves and the world to get to our genuine and truthful us.

Even in love something can seem destructive for the unexperienced.

Our emotions and clinging to other than You and truth may delude us, and it has.

In hindu traditions there is always a creator, a preserver and a destroyer, as life has to cover all.

Live in God’s unconditional love and acceptance <3

Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen

Skype Janbfrederiksen