This is my believe (I would love your comments)
First of all I believe we are just on the brink on expanded consciousness of unconditional love which clears out darkness, and that will continue – and we will see and feel light remove darkness in bigger or smaller degree.
Wicked or not all have a soul, and what we see is for us to learn ourselves and we should see all as holy souls, until opposite is proven – not by us but by God. Was that not what Jesus taught us ? To Include all <3
We all have to increase into unconditional love from God, to serve humanity the best – and ultimately God is in charge of that process – and I have faith that He will teach us the best.
Live in God’s love <3
Ps see also my post – we are here to let the Divine unfold/this is how important you are <3
Have a great thanksgiving weekend <3 Jan
Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen
Skype Janbfrederiksen