The Path to One

My dear Sisters, Brothers, friends and family of L

My dear Sisters, Brothers, friends and family of Love <3

The celebration is near,
light and love is winning over the darkest evil forces.

Can you feel it, can you share it more and more?

We are the ones we have been waiting for – a collective group of souls – here to set the world right for our God Creator/ the ONE.

If this resonates in you –

Take your next step into your NEW life – join our global weekly event

Love in your deepest heart, is the sign for all, to know who they are and eventually what more to do.

We cannot be deceived anymore

We cannot be misused anymore

We cannot be enslaved anymore

We are Truth, we are ONE, We Are

Let God fill you with more love, not fear

Let God give you courage to be You

Look at the world.

Allow it to be.

Now detach from all.

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exist.
That’s God’s peace.

Everything is new for us all – we are the pioneers in these amazing times – may God’s signs lead you Home <3

Live in God’s love <3

Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen

Skype Janbfrederiksen