NP Star heartcore conscious evolution

We are all energetic receiver/transmitters of the influx of energies coming from the cosmos, ingestion of foods, respiration and inner spiritual power. I am responsible for the quality of energy I give as an input to the collective consciousness of this planet. Only through the purification of my own vehicles, the care about
the quality of mindful thoughts and emotions I transmit, can I facilitate and give birth to a new level of health and wellness to all of us.
The STAR of P’s introduction

Introducing a new concept for individuals, companies and organizations – due to
change of the world – The STAR of P’s concept – which is a way and process to re- create ourselves, and our organizations to lead the future human connected societies.
We are in turmoil right now with a lot of hidden or broken STARs, as we are
moving in chaos – so this is a higher conscious way to find the order in chaos and create shining stars individually and in cultures of any kind. Some vital issues need to be handled and we have to ask ourselves WHY we are doing what we are doing, HOW we can make it different, and WHAT we have to do
to implement the needed changes in ourselves, in societies, in business and organisations.
So we can use the P’s in the STAR for measuring our bottom lines individually and organisational.


Achieve Your highest ideals body, mind and soul sense

Happiness is the key to success. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is about beliefs and ability to implement and sustain it.
In a world and market of constant change – which we are facing and have the last
many years – we have to be sustainable inside – to face that change with our inner unchangeable happiness and calmness – and be where we need to be at the right time. That’s what conscious change and leadership is all about. We have to lead ourselves (inside –out) by changing our perception and beliefs of what we can and cannot –
challenge and change our mindset and behavior –
as we have to learn to live in the constant change that life is and achieve a different
understanding of our inner life force, power and clarity – tools we have in us, but unused – to the benefit of ourselves, our relationships in life, work and with our inner Self as well as our planet and our community.

Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen

Skype Janbfrederiksen