Preparation and instruction for prayer/meditation

Preparation and instruction for prayer/meditation ONE LOVE

Thank you <3 for joining us all


“We thank you Father God, for allowing our prayer to reach out as far and deep as possible to our Earth and the Universe in which we exist, that YOU have created.

We are invoking the pink love energies grid around our Mother Earth to link our communication, by imagining we are rolling Earth in our hands lightening her with the pink love.”

We start to call in
our prophets, guides, ascended masters, angels and all humans with an open heart for the bright future – lead by our Father God from above to our inner Self and serving all people with intention to live up to the ideals of Love for humans, humanity and our Planet as such.

Everyday each one of us create our life in accordance with God’s LOVE, below prayer and * meditation and through daily random acts of kindness.

Welcome to our New ONEness World of Love,

NEW ONEness LOVE Impact – prayer/meditation, where we shower the world with tsunami waves of our deepest love energy, through all timezones we will direct it out to our planet and the Universe.

Pray with me _/|\_

You are receiving my unconditional love from my open heart of hearts <3

I pray for you – where ever and who ever you are, all over the world and beyond <3

God’s love awaits You

As you are loved fully

Open your heart and
let Gods love come in
to fill your soul so
you can find your Self and
Who you really are.

Through the Love
you re-create yourself
in life, work and Service
for God and humanity.

Be ready to lose yourself to find Your Self and give your
Service to all in a
Conscious life with
fulfillment of your Soul
in grace and happiness.

And so it is.

Live in ONE love <3

Amen, InshaAllah, Namaste, OM Ware Guru <3

* (meditate either before or after prayer, shower before w salt if possible while connecting in silence)

ONE Love Meditation <3 focus your heart energy
And purify by this violet flame mantra;

“I AM” the being of the violet fire, “I AM” the purity that God desire”

Be Silent (a deep touch)

Feel with me <3

Can you stop your voice?
Can you stop your mind from scattering?
Can you let all noise be gone?
Can you let your feelings from your deep heart come forward? Can you touch the sensation?
Can you feel the silence?
Can you touch it?

Let the silence into your deep heart.
Let it flow as a cloud in all, deep inside.
Feel your breath going slower and slower.
Feel it stop for a while.

Touch God deep in you.
Love God.
Love You.
We are ONE LOVE.

Fill You up with His touch,
His love for You and share with all.

Stay there for 15-30 min.

Live in God’s love <3

Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen

Skype Janbfrederiksen