Conscious Living

Conscious Living <3

The NEW ONEness Love >

Exploring energy connections

accepting the connection of energies, vibrations etc. in LOVE

– we bring in sources outside our physical like The Universe, Earth, God and Source – all for one purpose – to expand our experience of being LOVE.

I choose to call it that we are
LOVE on different levels from DIVINE to Emotional to Physical;
each level has its specific ways to get into the whole equation of LOVE bringing you from powerless to powerful.

We connect to the DIVINE sources of energy and vibration, through opening our Heart to the energies from Mother Earth – this is called the Earth STAR chakra – just situated below our feet (our grounding). Then to the Universe through our Soul STAR chakra, just
above our head.

Our Heart STAR is supposed to be the vibration hub in which energies flow through us, allowing us to tap in to the energies for any purpose, providing direction from our soul in LOVE (Our True SELF) for life on the Emotional and Practical level.

From soul star chakra, to earth star chakra, through middle heart star chakra connected through
three interconnected powers

Divine (soul)
Earth (mind)
Man (body) –

from where we can connect to our Cosmos Star Chakra (Unified field of Consciousness).

We build ourselves from Earth star chakra as there is all our past wisdom to use, through our heart star chakra that connect us to higher self of universe through our soul star chakra
Developing ourselves in spiral leaps from step to step – stage to stage, creating higher and higher vibration.

You could say that each stage has to be cleaned and all lessons taken from that, before you go to the next step/stage.

Live in Conscious Love <3

Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen

Skype Janbfrederiksen