The Path to One

The star to peace * healing

The star to peace * healing

By healing ourselves we heal Mother Earth.

I will dedicate my prayer to include Mother Earth to help her heal from all the things we humans are doing to her, taking from her, putting in to her without even considering whether what we do is good or bad. Will we treat our children like that or other living organisms?
Promise yourself always to ask “why do I do what I do?” – followed by several daily deep breaths – and see you life expand.

In that way yoy and I are able to create a better future for ourselves, our kids and followers and Mother Earth – in synergy in stead of selfishness.

Please help us to create and continue this cause and prayer for all, and we will soon see the effect in Mother Earths responses.

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Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen

Skype Janbfrederiksen