Its Amazing

Its amazing

How all the single experiences (the dots) fit together in everyones life, for all to get the learning they are here for.

All is unique, all here for a purpose in the tapestry of this universe, The sacred geometry, and yet we still don’t see, know or remember until we are ready to let go of all connections, all our learnings becoming our Truth.

All our life pains, happiness, sorrows, angers etc. teach us the way, by lots of mistakes and some successes, until we find our way to focus only on consciousness itself, the unified field of all, God in the infinite role, connecting all dots.

The almighty power of love.

All is evolution of our worlds, in life, works, happiness.

All is uniquely planned, nothing happens by coincidence. It just looks like that for the ones not ready to see or hear.

Live in God’s amazing grace of all <3

Warm regards
Jan B Frederiksen

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