****The star

****The star

Spirit (clarifying if its needed to raise to that level to understand the hidden message – finding the real cause from the soul on the divine level).

Start by really listening to your Body (message from Divine to Practical level) understanding that ease, unease as well as pain or sufferings are all your road signs. Then you learn and progress by using your Mind to clarify potential causes. Let the Heart deeply feel the emotions creating the causes, relating to your deepest spirit, by forgiving yourself and others.

When analyzing emotions through the Heart, remember we all have 3 main emotions to deal with and understand in all we do; SURVIVAL, CONTROL, RECOGNITION – all our doing and thinking has to do with one or more of these, so when we need to liberate ourselves, we have to understand why we do, say, think, feel and see what we do, based on who we are – to create coherence from inside-out.

In that process we also have to be aware of many feelings along with the surroundings based on our vibration and consciousness level at the time – willing to forgive all in the name of LOVE.

So be aware of our circumstances in Body, Mind, Soul, Divine and the life process itself.

Warm regards
Jan B Frederiksen


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