The Path to One

** The star

**The Star

All toxic thoughts and actions gone – our mind, body and soul are consciously resistant to any influences that might take us in the wrong direction of who we are – as we are continuous balancing our energy and vibrations to the situations at hand. We are meeting other souls on our
way, assisting each other to grow in the process.

Synchronicity and miracles are now a full part of the daily order. We are home, from there we can start our special creation in this life for ourselves and others.

The Heart STAR is our compass, our guide, our clarification and the creation of who we are – our soul’s highest ideal of our life here on Earth.

The Heart STAR is a pentagram and consist of
Path (what direction are you on),
Purpose (what’s your purpose in that
Planet (how will you contribute to all),
People (whom do you need to be with to fulfill your purpose),
Practice (what are you creating to fulfill your path) – all in total balance, respecting the natural- and universal laws – in us and around us.

The WAY to get to that balance is by achieving the insights through Listening, make introspection with an Open heart, connecting you with Source through breathing by using the OM.

Warm regards
Jan B Frederiksen

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