Funding our new humanity

A prospect for crowdfunding?

Funding our new humanity!

Funded by people for people – a business angel ignited me to think big today, if I had $50mio, what would I do.

My answer;

Becoming human centric for human impact.

To build a global conscious mentor network of leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators and other conscious people, that can mentor for conscious awareness/purpose to people, organisations and nations – getting the focus right – from heart, creating a movement for Love, compassion and peace in all we do, after we have found Who we are. All change starts in yourself, and our world need strong consciousness through love, not strong unconscious men/woman leading our world today. So we start w One at a time, until tipping point are reached. And so it is.

Are you on the same path?

Share and like and comment or send me message <3

Live in love <3

Warm regards
Jan B Frederiksen

for easy
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thank you šŸ™‚

Skype Janbfrederiksen