#ONELove for hungry children

for hungry children <3

Let us remove emergent hunger for children/ orphans/ elderly anywhere

But we need more help and sacrifice.

Our Heart Walkers around the world – for ONE Love – walk in many communities and know where the hungry children are – but they need more resources.

So we need your help.

Are you willing to give away 1 meal a day for a child to get 1 meal a day.
(Just delete one of your extra meals, and give the money to a hungry child)

Please donate 30€/month or how much you can, that goes uncut/directly to the childrens care.
@ paypal.me/thestar2peace

We should never let a chance go by to help a needy hungry child, as what we share is God’s love (in form of food, money, work or kindness) – and so we receive more of God’s love.

Live through God’s love <3

At the star to peace Heart Walkers initiative – we need more Heart Walkers – come join us for #ONELove <3


Global contact:

The Star to Peace – (Denmark) –
CVR 26773725

Mr. Jan B Frederiksen

Warm regards
Jan B Frederiksen


for easy
donating and payments use

thank you 🙂

Skype Janbfrederiksen